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Future Scripting 2019: Architecting Language Card Games’ Tomorrows

Most people would agree that writing down the things you want to happen in your life helps to bring those things one step closer to reality, but would those same people agree that actually sharing that writing with others would be equally valuable or even more valuable?

Personally, I believe that sharing the writing compounds the benefits. So in today’s post, I’m going to share with you what I want for my company, Language Card Games, in 2019. If you’re interested in helping me achieve any of these targets, or know someone else who might be, I would love to hear from you or them in the comments section below!

And here’s the prompt for your journal: WHAT ARE THE TOP 5 THINGS YOU WANT TO HAPPEN THIS YEAR?

Consider sharing your list with friends and family, so that they can gain clarity on what you’re after and reframe how they see you (just as you did when you wrote your answer to the prompt)! Post the list where you can easily see it every day, too!

Okay, here’s mine…

#1. Continue Innovating. Release 3 new language-learning card games, specifically: Chinese Champions 3, Othertongue 3, and Language Guardians 2.

*A detailed timeline and rigorous daily schedule for the completion of these games is a must.

#2. Be A Keynote Speaker. Give a talk at a language-learning or gaming convention where I can offer new ideas and showcase my products.

*I would love the opportunity to travel for this!

#3. Build A Dream Team. Learn how to construct a team to take my company to the next level, and, if it feels right, start putting it together.

*Can this team work together well even if its members are in different locations? What would be the best way for us to connect and finish tasks?

#4. Perfect Customer Service. Find even better ways to serve my customer base and grow the Language Card Games community from the inside out.

*I plan to offer unique content that customers look forward to receiving.

*I want to surprise customers at odd times throughout the year and go above-and-beyond what they expect.

#5. Lead With Stellar Business Pitches. I want to get better at conveying what I’m about and what I can do for a potential customer in mere seconds. I want to get better at not feeling guilty when trying to advertise, sell, make an offer, or provide a service.

*I would love to attend a seminar or networking event related to how I can improve my business or marketing acumen.

*And by the way, could you share with me any effective phrases that might turn a potential customer into a customer?

Part of the reason we do not become who we want to be is because our ideals stay locked up in our heads. Then, strangely, the more we ruminate over them, the more we think we’ve actually accomplished something!

Writing our desires down, posting them in our rooms, sharing them with friends, perhaps with accompanying pictures, allows us to tap into the Law of Attraction.

Of course, doing this future scripting is just the beginning. The next step is to make a highly-actionable plan and stick to it daily.

So what’s your Future Scripting 2019 journal entry looking like? And could I help you hit one of your targets? Let me know in the comments.

I once heard a story…

Someone leading a workshop found out that one of the attendees needed help achieving a personal dream, but didn’t know where to begin. The leader put the problem to the group to see if anyone had an idea for a starting point; it turned out one person had a ready answer.

The leader decided to repeat the process with the other attendees’ dusty dreams and everybody soon realized that in a large group of 30 or 40 people, there was almost always one person who held a key to unlocking another person’s dream.

You see, our dreams may not be as far away as we think. We just need to make them more explicit, more concrete, share them, and then be willing to put in some hard work to bring them home at last!

Know someone who might hold a key or two for me? Don’t hesitate to share this post with them!

Wishing you and yours all the best in 2019!


Matthew Boyle

Matthew Boyle, founder of Language Card Games, is on a mission to make your language learning truly unforgettable. Since 2016, he has single-mindedly crafted the coolest fantasy-themed games, stories, videos, and coaching programs, to transform language learners into legends.

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